Wellbeing will be the new revenue model behind real estate

Thursday, 17 September 202013:53
What are the proptech trends in 2020? Yvonne van Mierlo, one of the members of the Holland ConTech & PropTech, shares her vision.

Digitization gives rise to opportunities

Technology is evolving at super speed. This also has impact on the real-estate market. Customer’s expectations are changing, creating the opportunity and need to develop new living concepts.


“In 2025, people will select a certain residence at a certain location based on the impact the residence and location have on their wellbeing. The value of bricks will become secondary to the value of wellbeing”, says Yvonne.

People consider health and a feeling of happiness to be more important than the financial aspects of living. Lifestyle and living environment determine 80 percent of the human life span. In the future, business models will no longer (solely) focus on bricks, but also on software, such as living as a service.

Shared living

Living concepts, such as shared living and communities with (communal) services, are increasing in numbers and in value. Due to the rapid digitization in combination with robotics and data applications, numerous tools will be available in 2025 to improve people’s wellbeing. For example, smart communication and organisation with voice control systems, connected to services that support people’s lives. Hence, we have to start looking for new revenue models with smart living concepts that enhance people’s lives and include digital facilities and services.