Heeren van Maerlant

Project data
- 42 residences and 3 shared spaces
- Municipality of Brielle, Juli architecten and Hazenberg
42 properties 3 property types 84 residents 2015 - 2017
Blauwhoed experts of this project
“A cooperation, which resulted in a concept that was well received by residents, municipality and developer and which generated new work.”
Eltjo Bouwman
“A cooperation, which resulted in a concept that was well received by residents, municipality and developer and which generated new work.”
“By displaying the archaeological findings in the public space, the location now has a historic identity.”
Niek Bosman
“By displaying the archaeological findings in the public space, the location now has a historic identity.”
Co-operation partners

André Schoon
“Blauwhoed really listened to all interested parties. Resulting in the technical school being redeveloped rather than demolished."
“Blauwhoed really listened to all interested parties. Resulting in the technical school being redeveloped rather than demolished."

Pim van der Ven
“The project was developed amidst the crisis. By presenting scenarios instead of ready-made solutions and co-design sessions, we were able to successfully complete the project.”
“The project was developed amidst the crisis. By presenting scenarios instead of ready-made solutions and co-design sessions, we were able to successfully complete the project.”