Project data
More information
- 1559 rental apartments for young professionals, students and youngsters.
- Municipality of Amsterdam, OZ, Karres+Brandts landschapsarchitect, Greystar and Bouwcombinatie Holdendrecht
- Visit project website
1559 properties 1 property types 2000 residents 5 services 2014 - 2021
Co-operation partners
Mark Kuijpers
Managing director, Greystar Netherlands
“Owing to the scale of the project, we managed to create a new part of the city and at the same time bring about change with the service concept.”
“Owing to the scale of the project, we managed to create a new part of the city and at the same time bring about change with the service concept.”
Ellen Nieuweboer
Municipality of Amsterdam
“Thanks to great teamwork between municipality, developer and investor, we managed to realize a large-scale and successful project at an unpopular location in a short amount of time.”
“Thanks to great teamwork between municipality, developer and investor, we managed to realize a large-scale and successful project at an unpopular location in a short amount of time.”